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How to Obtain Residency in Portugal

Mahaut Fauquet
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Do you want to settle in Portugal but don't know where to start? Moving to a new country requires considering a few essentials such as opening a bank account, finding accommodation (and why not buying?), learning the language (or at least a few words!), and regularizing your status on site.

How can you obtain Portuguese residency? When can you get citizenship? Here is a guide for foreigners who wish to settle in the blue country.

Obtaining Residency in Portugal

For European Citizens

As with all Schengen area countries, EU citizens benefit from simplified procedures to settle in Portugal. The main steps are:

  • Short Stay: EU citizens can enter Portugal without a visa and stay for up to 90 days.
  • Obtaining the NIF: A Número de Identificação Fiscal (NIF) is necessary for any financial transaction, such as opening a bank account or buying property.
  • Long Stay: For stays longer than 90 days, you must register with the local Câmara Municipal to obtain a Certificado de Registo de Cidadão da União Europeia (CRUE), valid for five years.
  • Health Insurance: European citizens can benefit from the Portuguese healthcare system at no additional cost thanks to the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), although supplementary health insurance is always recommended.

For Non-European Citizens

For the rest of the world (including the British since Brexit), settling in Portugal involves a few additional steps:

  • Residence Permit: Upon arrival, you must apply for a temporary residence permit with the new immigration agency, AIMA (Agency for Integration, Migration, and Asylum), replacing SEF. This permit is valid for one year and renewable for two-year periods. After five years, a permanent residence permit can be requested.
  • Taxpayer Number (NIF): The NIF is essential for a non-European national as it is almost always required to obtain a visa.
  • Residence Visa: You must obtain a residence visa (such as a family reunification visa, work visa, or retirement visa) from the Portuguese consulate before coming to Portugal.
  • Health Insurance: Private health insurance is necessary, although some public services are accessible.

Regardless of your nationality, note that the non-habitual resident (RNH) scheme, which offered attractive tax benefits, is no longer available to new arrivals since January 1, 2024.

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Different Types of Visas

  • Work Visa:
    • Subordinated Work Visa (Type D1): For those with a work contract in Portugal.
    • Self-Employment Visa (Type D2): For self-employed workers, entrepreneurs, and freelancers. Entrepreneurs must prove they have founded a company operating in Portugal or have the necessary financial resources to create their business in Portugal.
  • Investor Residence Visa (Golden Visa): For those investing a substantial amount (€500,000) in the Portuguese economy. As of 2023, the Golden Visa has been reformed and no longer includes real estate purchases. The investment must meet certain criteria, such as creating or maintaining jobs, supporting scientific research, or protecting heritage through recognized and eligible organizations.
  • Retirement Visa (D7 Visa): For retirees and individuals with sufficient passive income (such as pensions or rental income). This visa grants a one-year residence permit, which can be renewed for successive periods of two years and can be converted into a permanent residence permit after five years.
  • Family Reunification Visa (Type D6): For close family members of residents or Portuguese citizens who wish to join them in Portugal.
  • Student Visa (Type D4): For students enrolled in higher education institutions in Portugal, eligible with an acceptance letter from the institution.
  • Scientific Research Visa (Type D3): For researchers, guest professors, and other professionals in the scientific field. This visa offers accelerated processing for obtaining permanent Portuguese residency and makes you eligible for Portuguese citizenship after five years.
  • Digital Nomad Visa: For those who travel while working remotely for a foreign company or as freelancers. This visa is valid for one year and can be renewed. To obtain it, you must prove your income is higher than €3,680, which is four times the Portuguese minimum wage.

It is important to note that each visa type has its own requirements and application procedures. It is advisable to check the specific details and consult the Portuguese consulate or embassy in your country for up-to-date and accurate information on visa applications.

Getting a visa in Portugal

Obtaining Portuguese Citizenship

To obtain Portuguese citizenship, you must have legally resided in Portugal for at least five years. This period of residence must be uninterrupted, and you must demonstrate sufficient integration into Portuguese society, such as basic knowledge of the Portuguese language. You will also need to prove that you have no criminal record in your home country or Portugal.

To start the application process, you will need to provide a list of official documents, such as your passport, residence card, proof of stable and legal income, and proof of your social and cultural integration. Once all documents are gathered, you can submit your application to the immigration services (SEF - Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras) or the Portuguese civil registry office.

The process can take several months, or even up to a year, depending on the complexity of your case and the workload of the competent authorities.


Obtaining residency in Portugal is a process that, although requiring some formalities, opens the door to a life full of discoveries and comfort. By following the steps detailed in this article, you will be well-prepared to embark on your new Portuguese adventure with peace of mind. Embrace this unique opportunity to live amidst beautiful landscapes while immersing yourself in a welcoming and dynamic culture. Don't wait any longer, your Portuguese dream is within reach!

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