How to Obtain Your NIF (Número de Identificação Fiscal) in Portugal
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How to Obtain Your NIF (Número de Identificação Fiscal) in Portugal

Mahaut Fauquet
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Buying guide

Are you looking to buy a house in Portugal? Excellent decision! With its rich culture, historic cities, favorable climate, and beautiful beaches, Portugal never disappoints anyone! But before you can fully enjoy your new property, you must complete certain administrative steps, including obtaining a Número de Identificação Fiscal (NIF).

What is it? How do you get it? In this article, we will guide you through the process of obtaining your NIF in Portugal.

What is a NIF?

The Número de Identificação Fiscal (NIF), or taxpayer number, is a unique number assigned by the Portuguese tax administration to anyone wishing to carry out fiscal or administrative operations in Portugal.

Why is it Essential?

It is impossible to bypass this number—it's essential! Without it, you won’t be able to accomplish most basic procedures, such as opening a bank account or signing a contract. In general terms, the NIF allows you to:

  • Open a Bank Account: Most Portuguese banks require a NIF to open an account.
  • Sign Contracts: Whether it's buying property, subscribing to public services, or taking out insurance, a phone contract...
  • Pay Taxes: The NIF is used for all tax declarations, including property taxes and rental income.
  • Many Transactions: Even fairly basic ones may require a NIF.
Illustration NIF portugal

Who Can or Must Have a NIF in Portugal?

Any resident or non-resident in Portugal who must comply with tax obligations can and must have a Número de Identificação Fiscal (NIF), regardless of age or nationality.

How to Obtain a NIF?

Obtaining your NIF is an indispensable step for settling in Portugal, and like any administrative process, it sometimes feels like a catch-22 (you need a bank statement, but to get a bank account, you need a NIF, but for the NIF, you need a bank statement...). Obtaining your NIF takes some time, requires gathering documents, and making appointments, but rest assured, the process remains quite simple, and it always works out:

Prepare the Necessary Documents

  • A valid ID (passport or ID card).
  • Proof of residence in Portugal (for example, a recent electricity bill or bank statement).
  • If you don’t have an address in Portugal, you can appoint a fiscal representative who will act as your intermediary with the Portuguese authorities.
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Visit a Tax Office or Go Online

You can obtain your NIF in person by visiting a tax office (Serviço de Finanças) or online. If you visit in person, it is recommended to make an appointment in advance to avoid long waits.

Fill Out the Application Form

Once at the tax office or via the online service, you will need to fill out a NIF application form. Ensure that all provided information is accurate and complete. If you have a fiscal representative, they will log in to the site to complete the form.

Receive Your NIF

After submitting your application and necessary documents, you will receive your NIF:

  • Immediately if you are on-site.
  • By mail or email within ten days if you apply online.
Illustration taxes

Using an Online Service

For those who prefer to avoid in-person administrative procedures, using an online service to obtain a NIF in Portugal is a practical and efficient option.

Why Choose an Online Service?

  • Time-Saving: Online services help you avoid long queues and in-person appointments.
  • Simplicity: These services are designed to be easy to use, with clear instructions and a simplified process.
  • Professional Support: By using an online service, you often get help from experts who are well-versed in Portuguese administrative procedures.
  • Accessibility: Whether you are still in your home country or already in Portugal, you can access these services at any time.

Choosing the Right Online Service

Many companies offer assistance, and some may be dishonest. Here are some tips for choosing the right online service to obtain your NIF:

  • Read Reviews and Testimonials: Check reviews from other users to ensure the service is reliable and of good quality.
  • Check Costs: Compare the fees of different services to find the one offering the best value for money.
  • Ensure Customer Support: A good online service should offer customer support to answer your questions and help you in case of problems.
  • Look for Transparency: The service should clearly explain the steps of the process, required documents, and associated fees.


Obtaining a NIF in Portugal is an essential step for anyone wishing to buy property or settle in the country. Although the process may seem intimidating, it is actually quite simple and straightforward, especially if you are well-prepared. By following the steps described in this article, you will be ready to start your new life in Portugal with peace of mind. Enjoy your real estate adventure in this beautiful country and all it has to offer!

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