How to Settle in Portugal: A Practical Guide
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How to Settle in Portugal: A Practical Guide

Mahaut Fauquet
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Living in Portugal

Portugal, with its pleasant Mediterranean climate, breathtaking landscapes, and rich culture, has become one of the most sought-after destinations for retirees and second-home buyers in Europe. Whether you are drawn to the charming cobbled streets of Lisbon, the golden beaches of the Algarve, or the picturesque vineyards of the Douro Valley, this country offers an exceptional quality of life at an affordable cost. But before sipping your coffee by the Atlantic, it’s important to understand the necessary steps for a smooth relocation to the country! Whether you are planning to move for retirement, a second home, or a new adventure, this practical guide will help you navigate the essential steps for a successful settlement.

Settling in Portugal in a Few Steps:

Choose the Ideal Destination

There is no "best" place to live in Portugal, but different places, atmospheres, and landscapes suit different lifestyles! If you want a festive and dynamic life, head to Lisbon or Porto. If you prefer a calm life by the sea, choose one of the quiet villages in the Algarve. If you want to stay away from tourist areas or look for the cheapest real estate, head inland to the charming rural areas of the country. Portugal offers a variety of destinations, each with its own charm and advantages!

To find the ideal destination, consult blogs, watch reports, gather feedback from people who have taken the plunge, or better yet, take the time to explore the country and find your own favorite spot!

Photo of Porto

Find the Perfect Home

Do you know where you want to settle? It's time to find your dream home! Searching for a house from abroad can seem complicated, but it's quite simple. Don’t hesitate to consult real estate platforms; they have the advantage of listing several agencies, ensuring you don't miss any property! Among them, Green Acres was created to allow everyone to buy abroad: the site, translated into 21 languages, allows you to search for properties across Europe in your native language.

Portuguese village
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Get Your NIF

The Tax Identification Number (NIF) is essential for any financial transaction, including renting or buying property, opening a bank account, or even obtaining certain visas!

To obtain a NIF, you must go to a tax office (das finanças) or make a free online application on e-balcão. If you're in a hurry, you can also go through paid websites to facilitate the process and get it faster. The procedure will be explained on the site!

Obtain a Visa and Residence

For EU nationals, the procedure for moving to Portugal is relatively simple thanks to the freedom of movement. Here are the main steps:

  • Short Stay: For stays of less than three months, no visa is required.
  • Long Stay: If you plan to stay longer than three months, you must register as a resident with the local municipality (Câmara Municipal). You will receive a residence certificate valid for five years.
  • Resident Card: After five years of continuous residence, you can apply for a permanent resident card.

For non-Europeans, you will need to obtain a visa and then a residence card. We have written a complete article on the subject, you can check it out here!

Photo of the Portuguese flag

Register with the Health System (SNS)

The public health system in Portugal is called the SNS (Sistema Nacional de Saude). All foreigners with resident status and/or paying social contributions in Portugal have the same health rights as the Portuguese.

To be reimbursed, you must obtain your social security number (NISS) and register at the designated health center (centro de saúde). If you want additional options, there are many private health insurances offering more extensive coverage.

Open a Bank Account

Opening a bank account is both simple and complicated because it requires a NIF and a Portuguese address. Getting the NIF is a formality; the application is made online and takes a few weeks, but for the address, you may need to go through a legal representative on-site.

Administrative procedures photo

Learn the Language

Although many Portuguese speak English, learning Portuguese will greatly facilitate your integration. Many language courses and programs are available for foreigners (and it’s also an opportunity to meet other expats!). Participating in local activities and interacting with residents will also help you master the language more quickly.


Settling in Portugal is an enriching adventure, offering exceptional quality of life in a beautiful setting. By following these practical steps and taking the time to immerse yourself in the local culture, you can make your move to Portugal a successful and enjoyable experience. Whether it’s to enjoy your retirement, work, or simply live a new experience, Portugal has something to charm everyone.

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