How does the School System Work in Portugal?
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How does the School System Work in Portugal?

Mahaut Fauquet
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Living in Portugal

The growing interest in Portugal as a destination for expatriate families is undeniable. With its pleasant climate, rich culture, and modern infrastructure, Portugal increasingly attracts international families. However, before making the big move, it is important to understand the Portuguese education system to ensure that your children will receive a quality education tailored to their needs. This article explores the Portuguese school system in detail, as well as the options offered by private international schools, providing you with all the necessary information to make an informed decision.

The Portuguese School System

The School Path in Portugal

In Portugal, school is mandatory starting at the age of 6, but there are nursery and preparatory school systems for younger children. The Portuguese school path is divided as follows:

  • Berçário: Nursery for babies up to 11 months old.
  • Infantário: Daycare for children aged 11 months to 3 years. You can choose between a public daycare (between €150 and €300/month depending on your income) or a private one (between €350 and €400/month). It is advisable to register in advance to secure a spot.
  • Jardins de Infância: Kindergarten for children aged 3 to 5 years.
  • Escola Básica: This combines primary and middle school, and is divided into three cycles:
    • 1st cycle: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grades (ages 6 to 9).
    • 2nd cycle: 5th and 6th grades (ages 10 to 11).
    • 3rd cycle: 7th, 8th, and 9th grades (ages 12 to 14).
  • Ensino Secundário: High school for teenagers aged 15 to 17.
  • Ensino Superior: University.
Photo Portuguese University

School Calendar and Holidays

The school year begins in September and ends in June. Children have a two-week holiday break at Christmas, four days off in February for Carnival, a week at Easter, and nearly three months off in the summer, from mid-June to mid-September.

Finding a Public School

Like in France, the public school system operates on a zoning basis: residents of a neighborhood have priority for the local school, and it can be difficult to transfer children to another school. However, from the 2nd and 3rd cycles (from age 10), it is possible to apply to any middle school. Public school is almost free, with costs depending on the municipality.

Inclusion and Diversity

Portugal has also made significant progress in terms of inclusion and diversity in schools. Special programs have been implemented to support students with special educational needs, and ongoing efforts are made to promote equal opportunities for all students, regardless of their social, cultural, or economic background. For foreign students, some schools offer special classes to facilitate their language learning and integration.

Photo students

Private International Schools

For those who wish to maintain their home country's education system or who prefer a more multicultural environment, private international schools are an excellent choice. These institutions allow children to continue their education in a multicultural setting while following internationally recognized programs.

Different Types of International Schools

  • British Schools: Follow the National Curriculum of England. Students take exams such as the IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) at 16, followed by A-Levels at 18, allowing them to enter universities worldwide, particularly in the UK. These schools emphasize traditional academic subjects, as well as the arts and sports.
  • American Schools: Offer a curriculum based on the American education system, which includes awarding credits for each completed course. Students earn a High School Diploma after completing four years of high school and can also take Advanced Placement (AP) courses for early college credits. American programs are known for their flexibility and student-centered approach.
  • French Schools: Follow the French national education programs. Students take the baccalauréat at the end of their secondary studies, allowing them to access higher education in France and other French-speaking countries. These schools are known for their academic rigor and rich cultural program.
  • Bilingual and IB (International Baccalaureate) Schools: Emphasize bilingualism and international preparation. The IB program is globally recognized for its holistic approach to education, encouraging students to be curious, informed, and engaged. These schools often offer a multilingual and multicultural environment, preparing students for a globalized world.
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Advantages of Private International Schools

Private international schools in Portugal are microcosms of diversity, welcoming students from multiple nationalities. This diversity allows children to evolve in a multicultural environment, develop open-mindedness, and enhance their language skills.

These schools often offer enriched programs, including various extracurricular activities such as sports, music, arts, and community projects. They also promote innovative teaching approaches, such as project-based learning and differentiated instruction, catering to the individual needs of each student.

Private international schools often stand out for their small class sizes, allowing for personalized attention and increased focus on each student. Teachers can better understand their students' strengths and needs and adapt their teaching accordingly.

Admission Processes and Tuition Fees

Admission to private international schools varies by institution. Generally, criteria include academic tests, interviews, and the submission of documents such as transcripts and letters of recommendation. Some schools may also require proof of proficiency in the language of instruction.

Tuition fees in private international schools can be high but vary depending on the school and program chosen. In addition to tuition, there may be additional fees for extracurricular activities, transportation, uniforms, and meals. Some schools offer scholarships or discounts for families with multiple children enrolled.

Education illustration photo

Planning and Tips for Expat Families

Whether you choose public or private school for your children, it is important to plan and anticipate, researching available schools, understanding admission criteria, and preparing the necessary documents for enrollment. It is recommended to visit potential schools and meet with teachers and principals to ensure the environment meets the child's expectations and needs.

Integration can be facilitated by participating in community activities and receiving support from other expatriate families.


In summary, Portugal offers a variety of educational options that can meet the expectations and needs of international families. Whether you opt for the public school system or a private international school, you can be assured that your children will receive a high-quality education in a safe and stimulating environment. With its attractive living conditions and excellent educational infrastructure, Portugal presents itself as an ideal destination for families wishing to offer their children the best possible educational opportunities.

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